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Here is the team of adult leaders responsible for our cadets. The officers are members of the Cadet Instructor Cadre branch which falls within Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS), a sub-component of the Reserve Force of the Canadian Armed Forces. Their primary duty is the training, supervision and administration of cadets. They do not work for the Squadron on a full-time basis; some are students, others have full-time jobs. However, all dedicate their spare time to helping cadets grow and achieve their potential. They are supported by Civilian Instructors and members of other components of the Canadian Forces.

Commanding Officer
Major Bejenaru
Deputy Commanding Officer/Chief of Staff
Major Eric Chamberland
Operations Officer
Captain Stephanie Matteo
Training Officer
Captain Joseph Augé
Training Staff
Civilian Instructor Eduardo Moy
Training Staff
Civilian Instructor Matthew Burke
Unit Public Affairs Representative/Training Staff
Civilian Instructor Amber Luloff
Supply Officer
Civilian Instructor Spencer Stevens
Administration Officer
Civilian Instructor  Isla McLean
CAF Volunteer
Warrant Officer Megan Driscoll


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Thursday evenings

18h30 - 21h15

(September to June)

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