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✈ 706 Weekly Messages - 22 November 2023

Urgent Admin Announcement: Returning cadets who have not handed in their Annual Validation Form will no longer be able to join us for any cadet activity after November 30th, 2023 until they do so. If you need yours reprinted, reach out to CI Moy.

Events and Activities

Activities Night

  1. Participants: All Cadets

  2. Date: Thu, 23 Nov 23

  3. Time: 1830-2115 hrs

  4. Location: Connaught CTC, 5 Brouillette Blvd, Nepean, ON K2K 2W6

  5. Dress:

    1. C5, Field Training Uniform (FTU); or

    2. appropriate civilian attire (example: black pants, white shirt or polo, black shoes);

    3. Footwear: If you don’t have the FTU boots, cadets can wear an alternate pair of black shoes or boots.

    4. Reminder: Bring a jacket (issued or civilian) for travelling to and from buildings.


  1. Participants: All cadets interested, maximum 30

  2. Sign up link

  3. Date: Sat, 25 Nov 223

  4. Time and Location: 0800-1200, Connaught Ranges, 5 Brouillette Blvd.

  5. Dress: Comfortable clothing

  6. Material to bring:

    1. a water bottle


  1. Participants: All cadets interested in playing in the band

  2. OPI: Warrant Officer Driscoll

  3. Date: Sun, 26 Nov 23

  4. Time: 1300 - 1600 hrs

  5. Location: 16 Spitfire Private, Gloucester, ON K1V 8P4 (near the airport)

  6. Dress: blue squadron t-shirt, or black bottoms and white top

  7. Material to bring:

    1. a musical instrument;

    2. If you don't have one, see WO Driscoll on Thursday during training to sign one out.

  8. Additional info: Please email WO Driscoll to express your interest in band and/or confirm attendance.

Regular Training

  1. Participants: All Cadets

  2. Date: Thursday, 30 November 2023

  3. Time: 1830-2115 hrs

  4. Location: 5 Brouillette Blvd, Nepean, ON K2K 2W6

  5. Dress:

    1. C5, Field Training Uniform (FTU); or

    2. Appropriate civilian attire (example: black pants, white shirt or polo, black shoes);

    3. Note on Footwear: If you don’t have the FTU boots, cadets can wear an alternate pair of black shoes or boots.

    4. Reminder: Bring a jacket (issued or civilian) for travelling to and from buildings.


  1. Participants: All cadets interested in trying

  2. OPI: CI McLean

  3. Date: Sat, 2 Dec 23

  4. Time and Location: To be confirmed this week.

  5. Dress: Sporting attire appropriate for the weather including a hat

  6. Material to bring:

    1. a water bottle

  7. Additional info: If you haven't done so, please email CI McLean to express your interest in biathlon and/or confirm attendance.

Mess Dinner & Training Day

  1. Description: Cadets will participate in a training activity, focusing on key cadet skills. Later, we will host a semi-formal dinner, following Mess Dinner traditions.

  2. Sign up here

  3. Wear casual civilian clothes, bring formal wear with you (instructions on sign-up)

  4. Participants: Selected cadets

  5. OPI: Capt Augé

  6. Date: Sat, 16 Dec 23

  7. Timing: 13:00-22:00

  8. Drop-off: Connaught Range, 1 Brouillette Blvd, Nepean, ON K2K 2W6

  9. Pick-up: Connaught Range Kitchen


Notices and Reminders

Fundraising - Air Cadet 50/50

The Holiday Annual Holiday Campaign is here!

Parents, guardians and friends (18+) can help support our Squadron and Air Cadets nationwide by purchasing 50/50 tickets. There are many draws between now and the holidays. For more information and to purchase tickets visit this link.

Heated Washroom Facilities

  1. A heated washroom trailer is now available for use by everyone located between 2 and 4 Lewis Gun.

  2. This trailer will remain in place for use until the end of April 2024.


  1. Annual Validation:

    1. The Annual Validation Forms are an important part of how we keep all our cadet activities safe for all participants, and the safety of all our cadets is top priority.

    2. Annual Validation Forms were due Oct 5, 2023. See CI Moy if you need your form to be reprinted.

  2. Code of Conduct:

    1. The Cadet Code of Conduct outlines how we expected our cadets to conduct themselves during all cadet activities. It ensures that each cadet has a safe and inclusive environment for their development.

    2. All forms were to be completed and returned to CI Moy by Oct 19, 2023.

  3. Absences: If you are unable to make it to training, fill out this form before your planned activity to be marked as excused.

  4. Cadet365 Accounts:

    1. Get help: Cadets should contact Administration Officer CI Ed Moy if they are experiencing issues.

    2. Newly Registered Cadets: They will automatically receive their account information at the email address on file once they are created.


  1. CI Burke will advise cadets on Thursday if they have a uniform to pick up.

  2. To request an appointment, fill out the Uniform Request Form.

706 Canteen

  1. Bring your spare change, purchase a snack and support 706.

  2. Your snack cravings directly support cadet activities.

Letter to Parents-Guardians from the Squadron Sponsoring Committee


Due to limited space and lighting at Connaught, please follow the parking flow map and instructions below:

  1. Enter via Vickers Gun Rd, then turn left on Brouillette Blvd

  2. Drop-off/pickup occur on Brouillette Blvd after Lewis Gun Rd (near squadron HQ).

  3. For pickup at the end of the night, park in the parking lot (not on Brouillette Blvd). Use caution when exiting the parking lot.

  4. IMPORTANT: Exercise caution and patience when driving in this area, as there are many cadets in the parking lot.

  5. Exit via Sir Sam Hughes Rd

Drivers are reminded to slow down.

  1. Posted speed limits at Connaught:

    1. 50 km/h on Malibar Blvd,

    2. 30 km/h in all other areas.

  2. Speed limits are strictly enforced by Military Police.

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Thursday evenings

18h30 - 21h15

(September to June)

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