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✈ 706 Weekly Messages - 20 Sep 2023

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

Welcome! We would like to welcome our new cadets and thank their families and our MPP for attending last week's recruit night.


Join Us

Interested in the Air Cadet Programme? Read this:

  1. Participants: Youth who are at least 12 years old and under 19 years old and their parents;

  2. Date: Thursdays

  3. Time: 1900-2030hrs (7 to 8:30 PM)

  4. Location: 1 Brouillette Blvd, Nepean, ON K2K 2W6

  5. Registration: Before coming to 706, register online and enter 706 OTTAWA SNOWY OWL, ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADET SQUADRON using this link

First Night Back - Training

Welcome back, 706! This will be the start of the training year for all returning cadets!

  1. Participants:

    1. Level 1 cadets (recruits) will do training activities.

    2. Level 2-5 cadets to attend a presentation during Period 1;

    3. Parents of level 2-5 cadets are encouraged to attend the returning presentation with their cadets, and complete the annual validation paperwork from 1900-2000 hrs

    4. Level 2-5 cadets will do training activities period 2 and 3

  2. Date: Thursday, 21 September 2023

  3. Time: 1830-2115 hrs

  4. OPI: Capt Augé

  5. Location: Connaught CTC, 5 Brouillette Blvd, Nepean, ON K2K 2W6

  6. Dress:

    1. C5, Field Training Uniform (FTU); or

    2. appropriate civilian attire (ex: black pants, white shirt or polo, black shoes);

  7. Footwear: If you don’t have the FTU boots, cadets can wear an alternate pair of black shoes or boots.

Treetop Trekking and Cave Exploration

This is a great opportunity to work together as a team and meet/reconnect with other 706 cadets.

  1. Participants: Cadets listed here. If you are not listed, sign-up below.

  2. Date: Sun, 24 Sep 23

  3. Time: 0745 to 1600 hrs

  4. OPI: Capt Martel

  5. Destination: Arbraska Laflèche

  6. Transportation: Bus from 1 Brouillette Blvd, Nepean, ON K2K 2W6

  7. Dress: C5 (FTU, green uniform)

  8. Meals: Bring your own lunch.


  1. Participants: All cadets interested in playing in the band

  2. Date: Sun, 24 September 23 (and all Sundays afterwards)

  3. OPI: Warrant Officer Driscoll

  4. Time: 1300 to 1600 hrs

  5. Location: 16 Spitfire Private (near the airport)

  6. Dress: blue squadron t-shirt, or black bottoms and white top

  7. Material to bring:

    1. a musical instrument;

    2. If you don't have one, see WO Driscoll on Thursday during training to sign one out.

  8. Additional info: Please email WO Driscoll to confirm attendance.


Notices and Reminders

Administration: Annual validation forms and codes of conduct will be going out this week. They are to be signed and returned no later than 5 October 2023.

Cadet365 Accounts

1. Cadet365: Cadet365 is a collaborative platform for Cadets and Adult Staff across Canada. The suite provides access to familiar products like Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, Planner, OneNote and OneDrive.

2. Intro Course: Cadets must complete the introductory course regarding the use of Cadet 365 once they activate their account.

3. Get help: Returning cadets should contact Administration Officer Civilian Instructor Ed Moy if they are experiencing issues.

4. Newly Registered Cadets: They will automatically receive their account information at the email address on file once they are created.


  1. No appointments are scheduled this week.

  2. Appointments: To request an appointment, fill out the Uniform Request Form.

706 Canteen

Back by popular demand, the canteen will be available beginning 21 September. Bring your spare change, purchase a snack and support 706. Your snack cravings go directly support cadet activities.


All drivers are reminded of posted speed limits on Connaught: 50 km/h on Malibar Blvd, 30 km/h in all other areas. Speed limits are strictly enforced by Military Police.

Air Cadet League of Canada - Scholarships

The Air Cadet League of Canada and its donors invite cadets to apply for 2023 post scholarship awards for flight training. Two scholarships are available:

  1. Continuation Flight Training Awards (CFTA); and

  2. Flight Training Achievement Awards (FTAA)

Click here for information and to apply. Deadline to apply: 30 Sep 23



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Thursday evenings

18h30 - 21h15

(September to June)

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